Vikings Aggression gra:

1 gracz, Średniowiecze, Krew, Zabijanie, 3D, Miecz, Konto Y8, WebGL, Najlepsze Wyniki Y8, Z Zapisem Y8, Osiągnięcia Y8, Viking | data dodania 30 Sep 2018
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Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?


Year 1060 AD, you found yourself trapped inside the castle wall and you need to survive against the tyranny of the Vikings! Play this action packed, sword wielding WebGL game, Viking Aggression and immerse yourself in an era filled with melee combat and bloody war! Finish the game by killing 100 Vikings in the game. Kill them as fast as you can so you’ll get a bigger score. There are a lot of achievements to unlock that will surely challenge your sword skills. Play now and be the Lord of the Viking!

Vikings Aggression sponsorowane przez Y8 Games

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