Ultimate Flying Car 3D gra:

1 gracz, Latanie, Ulepszanie ekwipunku, Samochody, 3D, WebGL | data dodania 22 Jun 2020
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  • Drive
    Switch Controls
    Brakes in Air
    Lock / Unlock Cursor

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Ultimate Flying Car 3D a hi tech car driving simulator game. Ready to drive the one of a kind hi-tech flying racing cars? Drive fast down city streets or fly high in the sky above the city like an airplane? Experience now the latest in driving and flying simulations with one of the best ultimate flying car games! Activate fly mode in the ultimate flying car and be amazed as wings transform from the body of the racing car. Step on the gas pedal and turn on the nitro boost to get a fast takeoff into the skies. Fly through narrow gaps between skyscrapers, disrupt busy sky traffic, and show off your awesome high flying skills in the one of a kind flying car simulator games.

  • Drive and fly cars to extreme speeds.
  • Explore amazingly detailed city environment, drive through streets or fly between tall skyscrapers.
  • Become the world's best pilot of the flying car prototype.
  • Pick and drop customers on time.

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Ultimate Flying Car 3D
Ultimate Flying Car 3D
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