The Scythian Warrior gra:

1 gracz, Rycerze, Krew, Platformowe, 3D, Miecz, WebGL | data dodania 15 May 2024
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58 zagrań
  • Rotate view/Look around
    Attack/Swing sword
    Lock on target (hold)
    Jump/Pull/Push box
    Climb up/down ladder
    Run (Hold)

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Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?


The Scythian Warrior is a free third person action platformer game set in ancient time. In the ancient time, you embody a fierce Scythian warrior . Your tribe was ruthlessly attacked by a horde of merciless soldiers while you were away seeking treasures. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for vengeance, you embark on a perilous journey to exact retribution upon the invaders. Enjoy playing this warrior adventure game here at!

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The Scythian Warrior
The Scythian Warrior
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