Sofia Special Princess Pizza gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Jedzenie, Gotowanie, Księżniczki | (412 KB) data dodania 08 Mar 2016
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Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?


Today is a special day for the princess Sofia. Shall we give her a surprise? She is very fond of pizza. And now she is going to prepare a delicious pizza. Be with her until she is done with the preparation. She is in the kitchen now. Having the ingredients available add more taste to the pizza. The relatives of the princess will be arriving very soon. So try to complete cooking promptly. The cousin of the princess is mad after pizzas. She will be in a jubilant mood if she sees the mouth watering pizza. Come let us make the entire family happy. Thank you so much for helping the princess. Do not forget to decorate the pizza at the end.

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