Romance Academy — Heartbeat of Love gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Dziewczyny, Z widokiem z boku, Miłość, Chłopcy, Android, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy | data dodania 21 Oct 2011
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In the Romance Academy, the girls have all it takes to seduce the boys, notably a laser beam that keeps them at their beck and call! Once you meet a boy, click on his head to start seducing him, but watch out for the other girls, who will try and steal your conquests. Don’t let that happen! If you see another girl trying to chat up the same guy as you, click your mouse repeatedly to get the upper hand. Fill up all the hearts to become the best seducer in school!

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Romance Academy — Heartbeat of Love
Romance Academy — Heartbeat of Love
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