S.O.S. - Save All Soldiers gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Samochody, Przeszkody, Czołgi, Rakiety | (3.49 MB) data dodania 30 May 2011
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Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?


S.O.S. or Save All Soldiers is one of these driving games. It is not one of the most complex car games, but also not too simple. At first, you might find the game pretty easy, but as you advance to the next level, the gameplay gets more and more difficult. The purpose of the game is to get to the enemy base entrance, save the soldiers that were taken prisoners by the terrorists and return to the entrance without being hit by the bombs that are indicated by the red dot.

Jak grać

Arrow keys - To drive.
Mouse key - To aim and shoot.

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S.O.S. - Save All Soldiers
S.O.S. - Save All Soldiers
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