Ricochet Kills: Players Pack gra:

Logiczne, 1 gracz, Flash, Krew, Zabijanie, Myślenie, Fizyka | (1.07 MB) data dodania 07 Jun 2010
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Ricochet Kills: Players Pack is an engaging physics game that combines the precision of billiards with a darker twist. Players are tasked with eliminating targets using a gun where the bullets ricochet off surfaces, requiring careful consideration of angles and strategy to maximize impact while conserving ammunition. The game's challenge lies in the puzzle-like setup of each level, where the goal is to take out all the bad guys using as few shots as possible. It's a test of both skill and ingenuity, as players navigate through increasingly complex stages to achieve the perfect shot.

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Ricochet Kills: Players Pack
Ricochet Kills: Players Pack
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