Princesses Cozy Reading Corner gra:

1 gracz, Garderoba, Księżniczki, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy, Bitent | data dodania 16 Dec 2018
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1,357 zagrań
  • Select dress/style

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Dziękujemy, Twój głos został zapisany i niebawem będzie widoczny.
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Przepraszamy, wystąpił niespodziewany błąd. Spróbuj zagłosować ponownie później.
Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?


Arabella princess, Diana princess and Flora princess have something in common. They all like fashion and adore reading. Reading is very important to the, therefore they always share with each other what they read. The girls however realized that they don't have a cozy reading corner. They decided to design one for themselves and you are going to help them. In this game you must dress them up in a cozy cute outfit, help them design a reading corner and choose a new book for them to read. Have fun!

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Princesses Cozy Reading Corner
Princesses Cozy Reading Corner
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