Military Hummer Jigsaw gra:

Armia, 1 gracz, Flash, Wojenne, Puzzle | (681 KB) data dodania 01 Feb 2013
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As the title says Military Hummer Jigsaw is really a puzzle game. It really is played applying your mouse and in case you like puzzles then you must absolutely attempt this game. The key purpose of this game is always to put the pieces of the jigsaw in right order and kind a image. There are four difficulty levels like: quick which has 12 pieces, medium - 48 pieces , hard - 108 pieces and professional - 192 pieces. There is certainly also a timer in the game, so any time you increase the amount of pieces by deciding upon higher difficulty the time gets significantly higher. Have a fun and enjoy!

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Military Hummer Jigsaw
Military Hummer Jigsaw
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