Magic Mall Day Dressup gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Garderoba, Magia | (645 KB) data dodania 05 Aug 2012
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  • Dress Up

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You can easily tell she is an authentic fashionista. Just check out her impressive closet. You will find there all the possible styles, from baby doll clothes to hot, fancy jumpsuits. Let's start this magic mall game and work out our creativity and fashion knowledge! Hmm, should we go for a pretty girl look? I have spotted some cute t-shirts. They would go great with a pair of trendy skinny jeans. Maybe we should give Linda a dressier look. We have everything we need in the magic mall game: knee length, airy sundresses which you can posh up a bit with one of those fancy handbags. There, dressed as an elegant French lady she will outshine all the other possible competitors to the title of the most stylish mall girl. Have some fun and fashion tips playing the magic mall game!

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Magic Mall Day Dressup
Magic Mall Day Dressup
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