Knight's Tour Deluxe gra:

2 graczy, 1 gracz, Szachy, Planszowe, Ruchy myszką, WebGL, Myślenie | data dodania 06 Sep 2021
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Millions of randomly generated puzzles for all game modes. Number of rows and columns can be the same or different. Allows 1-12 players and/or CPU’s to play in any order in both online and offline game modes with color customization. Each player selects a square on a 3x3-10x10 board to begin play. Once a starting position has been selected, each player can only move in an L shape (like a Knight in chess) for the rest of the match. Throughout play, each player will take turns populating the board until there are no more available moves.
Game modes:
In order to win in open tour mode, you must visit every square on the board exactly once.

In order to win in closed tour mode, you must visit every square on the board exactly once AND the last square you visit must be one L move away from the square you started with.

In order to win in versus mode, you must obtain the highest move count by avoiding your opponents. If the match is over and the move count for two or more players is equal, then it's a draw. Otherwise, the player with the highest move count wins.

In order to win in co-op mode, you must work with your teammates to populate every piece on the board such that each knight visits every square exactly once. If a player runs out of moves, their teammates can continue their tour until everyone has run out of moves.

5) TEAM PLAY: All players who share the same color will be on the same team in both local and online multiplayer modes. If there is at least one team, then whichever color placed more moves wins.

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