Kebab Maker gra:

1 gracz, Symulacje, Jedzenie, Gotowanie, HTML5, Konto Y8, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy, Z Zapisem Y8, Zrzut ekranu Y8, Osiągnięcia Y8 | data dodania 12 Feb 2020
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Kebab Maker is a fun game to prepare a food 'kebab' in 3 steps. Kebab is made of finely ground mince goat meat with spices and then charcoal grilled on a skewer. It is commonly served with Roomali Roti (a very thin bread), onion and a mint chutney (sauce). The meat is ground to a fine paste and kept moist so the texture is soft. Begin by washing the vegetables making sure that they are clean and edible. Slice the tomato, onions, lettuce and prepare them for later use. The second step is to combine different ingredients for the marinade and mixing them well. Garnish the goat meat with the marinade mixture and when its ready prepare to cook it in the oven. Finally, prepare the bread and garnish it with the meat and condiments.

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