Install D gra:

Roboty, 1 gracz, Flash | (10.2 MB) data dodania 05 Mar 2014
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Install_D is a minimalist tower defense game located inside cyberspace! The goal is to protect your data servers from incoming computer threats such as glitches, bugs and viruses using defense programs. Player can place towers where ever they want, creating a wide variety of defenses and strategies. The game has 10 different types of enemies each with 3 levels of power (glitch, bug, virus, each more powerful than the last).
The player can use 6 different types of defense programs (towers) at once, each one having 5 variations, for a total of 30 different towers. Some towers are quite unique, like the web portal which places 2 portals on the map that teleport threats between them and the proxy tower which force threats to visit the proxy before reaching the server (final goal). The game has a campaign of 40 maps, with 14 challenge maps unlocked as the player progresses. A survival mode is also available to test a player’s defensive capabilities.

Jak grać

Use the mouse to play.

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