Ice Skating Princess Makeover gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Garderoba, Księżniczki, Stylizacja / Makijaż | (3.74 MB) data dodania 02 Feb 2013
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Ever since I was a little girl, I always loved ice skating and I used to rush home from school just to be able to watch those beautiful and graceful girls ice skating in the figure stating championships of the world. My biggest dream of all was to become a beautiful ice skating princess myself and after years and years of intense training, my dream has finally come true. I have won the national ice skating competitions and I am heading for the world figure ice skating competition. I want to look like a princess out there on the ice and for that I really need a makeover. Do you think you could join me on and help me with my ice skating princess makeover, ladies? I must start by applying some facial beauty treatments and only after finishing those I can move on to choosing a cute ice skating costume for my performance. I have been skating all my life, so I haven't had too much time to worry about fashion and makeup, so your help with this ice skating princess makeover is priceless, ladies! Let's imagine how amazing I will look like while sliding gracefully across the ice and let's make sure my look will be just as perfect as my skating!

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Ice Skating Princess Makeover
Ice Skating Princess Makeover
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