Hamsternikus gra:

Logiczne, 1 gracz, Ruchy myszką, Przeszkody, Zwierzęta, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy | data dodania 01 Oct 2018
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965 zagrań
  • Drag to move hamster
    Drag to move obstacles

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Find the way through the maze in the puzzle game Hamsternikus. The mad professor has conducted a crazy scientific experiment and has ended up zapping his own mind into his pet hamster's body. The professor wants to know whether he's still as brainy as before, so he's come up with a way to test his mental abilities. Will he be able to find his way through the mazes while rolling around in his hamster ball? The professor is brimming with enthusiasm, but as it turns out he will likely need a little bit of guidance from you to find the exit.

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