Good Daddy gra:

Logiczne, 1 gracz, Flash, Dla dzieci | (4.63 MB) data dodania 31 Oct 2013
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810 zagrań
  • Move Daddy
    Change Shape
    Start Kid

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"Good Daddy" is a charming puzzle game where players take on the role of a dedicated father helping his son navigate through various challenges to reach school safely. The game combines strategy and shape-shifting mechanics, as the father character can transform into different forms to overcome obstacles. With a mix of clever puzzle-solving and quick reflexes, players must ensure the son's path is clear from any dangers, showcasing the lengths a good father will go to for his child's well-being. It's a heartwarming and engaging experience that tests both the mind and the bond between parent and child.

Give it a try here, at!

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Good Daddy
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