Furrble Inc gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Ruchy myszką, Dopasowywanie | (1.31 MB) data dodania 31 Oct 2013
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Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?


Prepare yourself for a faaaast paced game.The furrbles love finding new friends! It's your job to match them with one another so that they can parrrrtttyy!This awesome, yet simple game, involves matching 3 or more of the furrbles (cute furry characters) of the same color in a row or column to remove them from the grid. Each game lasts for 1 minute.
Colored tubes to the side fill up with liquid as more and more characters are matched triggering one of 5 awesome power-ups.
The objective of the game is to get as high a score as possible. This can be achieved by making big matches, fast matching and triggering power-ups.

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Furrble Inc
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