Flags of Europe gra:

1 gracz, Edukacyjne, Dla dzieci, Ruchy myszką, Quiz, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy | data dodania 03 Dec 2020
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Flags of Europe is a map game that teaches you about European geography. Are you a pro at identifying flags? Do you know the flags of Greece, Italy, or France? Can you tell apart the flags of Austria, Croatia, and Ukraine? Even if you are not a flag geek, this is a great game to help teach you the flags of Europe. Whether you have a big test or you just want to impress your friends, Flags of Europe is a great educational game to train your mind. Not only must you identify the flag, but you must click on the correct location on the map. Bad at this map game? Play a lot more educational games only on y8.com

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Ta gra jest częścią następującej serii :Geography quiz

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Flags of Europe
Flags of Europe
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