Fashion Repair gra:

1 gracz, Dziewczyny, Kolorowanki, Android, HTML5, Konto Y8, Mobilne, iPhone, iPad, Ekran dotykowy, Z Zapisem Y8, Zrzut ekranu Y8, Osiągnięcia Y8, Sprzątanie | data dodania 07 Nov 2023
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Here are our cute little sisters with some damaged items with them. Items like an iPhone, bag, and hat are severely damaged. Help the little sisters to fix them and recover to make them work perfectly. First, let us check the iPhone here, it is found damaged and very dirty. clean it first and remove all the dirt, replace the screen and clean the internal items and next bag which is torn out, stitch the handle and wash it clean the dirt and fix it. A hat that is torn is a favorite one for one sister, fix that too, and make all of them happy again. Share your creative items and ask your friends to show theirs too. Play more games only on

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