Denim Fashion Trend gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Garderoba | (1.42 MB) data dodania 09 Oct 2013
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Denim, reliable and resistant, yet popular and fashionable is back on trend! Early autumn is the perfect season to wear denim shirts, or distressed jeans or even overalls. Denise, a real fashionionista and being true to latest fashion trends, is ready to renew her wardrobe, and wants you to accompany her to a shopping spree. From comfy denim shirts, short distressed vests to skinny jeans or blue girlie dresses, you will have a wide range of clothing items. Remember that accessories make an outfit go from boring to glamorous. You will have at your disposal golden jewelries, sheer scarves and cute wedges! Enjoy your day spent shopping for fantastic denim pieces!

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