Civiballs - Xmas Levels gra:

Logiczne, 1 gracz, Piłka, Platformowe, Boże Narodzenie, Android, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy, Myślenie, Fizyka | data dodania 03 Jan 2010
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Are you in the mood for Christmas games? There are a few even among free online physics games. Cut the garlands to pack the baubles in the boxes of the same color. Prepare for the holiday in a variety of indoor and outdoor locations. Meet a cast of characters, such as Yeti, Snowman, Nutcracker and Santa Claus himself. Use various Christmas decorations, party poppers, cannons and firecrackers to succeed. Complete this Xmas Levels pack as you play free online!

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Civiballs - Xmas Levels
Civiballs - Xmas Levels
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