Buenos Aires 2018: Relevo De La Antorcha gra:

1 gracz, Ruchy myszką, Przeszkody, Bieganie, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy, Piksel, Stuk | data dodania 15 Mar 2021
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Buenos Aires 2018: Relevo De La Antorcha is an exciting obstacle running game where you will have to help a brave sprinter carry the torch representing the Olympic spirit to the finish line while facing all kinds of obstacles, journalists and fans willing to do anything to see this moment close up. If you crash on these obstacles it will reduce your running energy. You don't want to loose that energy before turning over the torch! Enjoy this fun game now at Y8.com. You will have the chance to enjoy two game modes, relay or survival. You'll have the opportunity to enjoy two game modes, Relay or Survival - are you brave enough to take on both? Run without looking back, fill yourself with energy with every step and manage to hand over the torch to the next runner to cross the finish line. Can you finish the torch race? Enjoy playing this fun running game here at Y8.com!

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Buenos Aires 2018: Relevo De La Antorcha
Buenos Aires 2018: Relevo De La Antorcha
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