Blonde Sofia: The Vet gra:

1 gracz, Dziewczyny, Garderoba, Zwierzęta, Koty, Android, HTML5, Konto Y8, Mobilne, iPhone, iPad, Ekran dotykowy, Z Zapisem Y8, Zrzut ekranu Y8, Osiągnięcia Y8, Opieka, Lekarz, Blonde Sofia | data dodania 22 May 2024
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"Blonde Sofia the Vet" invites players into the heartwarming world of animal care and fashion fun. Meet Sofia, a compassionate young girl with a keen eye for style. When she encounters a cat in need at the park near her home, it's up to players to step into the role of the veterinarian and provide the necessary medical care to nurse the cat back to health. From administering treatments to dressing wounds, every step is crucial in ensuring the cat's recovery. But the adventure doesn't end there! Once the furry friend is feeling better, players can indulge their creativity by dressing up both the cat and Sofia in a variety of adorable outfits and accessories. Join Sofia on this heartening journey of compassion, care, and fashion flair in "Blonde Sofia the Vet."

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Blonde Sofia: The Vet
Blonde Sofia: The Vet
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