Blonde Sofia: Superhero Makeover gra:

1 gracz, Ruchy myszką, Garderoba, HTML5, Konto Y8, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy, Z Zapisem Y8, Zrzut ekranu Y8, Osiągnięcia Y8, Lekarz, Sprzątanie, Blonde Sofia | data dodania 06 Dec 2022
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Blonde Sofia: Superhero Makeover is another installment from our favorite Blonde Sofia. We normally see our cute Sofia as a cute princess, but now she is a superhero. But she just got hurt in some accident. So just help her to fix her bones and clean her up as well treat her as a doctor and finally dress her in our latest superhero dresses. As she is hurt badly, she needs to get her bones fixed, so clear the wounds and scan the body and fix the broken bones. Make her fit again and healthy as usual. Have fun playing this game only on

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Blonde Sofia: Superhero Makeover
Blonde Sofia: Superhero Makeover
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