Baby Rapunzel Emo Hair Salon gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Niania, Niemowlęta, Księżniczki | (1.17 MB) data dodania 20 Oct 2015
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Baby Rapunzel is going to her granny’s house which is on the mountain. Every year she would go with her family. This year the cousins of Rapunzel are also accompanying her. This will be a day to remember in your life. For the pretty baby is in your beauty parlour. She has so much of hair. Trim the hair accordingly and comb the hair in a stylish way. The others are getting ready for the vocation. Complete the hairdressing before they get into the bus. Apart from trimming, you have some more obligations to be accomplished. Wash the hair thoroughly using water. Apply shampoo and rinse it off with water. Your mission will come to an end with the makeover. Adorn the baby with the trendy stylish outfit. You will be paid through the nose for your service. The place where they are going to is very peaceful and you can find lots of animals. Join them if you want to.

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Baby Rapunzel Emo Hair Salon
Baby Rapunzel Emo Hair Salon
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