Alpine Cow Jigsaw gra:

Logiczne, 1 gracz, Flash, Puzzle, Zwierzęta, Farma | (512 KB) data dodania 08 Oct 2012
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Alpine Cow Jigsaw is very interesting jigsaw farm game on the internet. In this fun farm game, there is a picture of a beautiful alpine cow. You have to select the game mode. Select from four given game modes: easy, medium, hard and expert. In the first mode the image will be divided into 12 pieces, in the second mode into 48, in the third mode into 108, and in the last mode the image will be divided into 198 small pieces. Now after you choose the mode you can start playing this cool game. Press shuffle and you are ready to play this awesome free farm game. Read the instructions and then start playing. All you need to play this game is your mouse. You have to click on the piece and drug the piece to the right position. Watch out on your time, if it runs out you will lose the game, or you can disable the time and play this game relaxed. You can turn the sound on or off and you can see the image whenever you like by clicking on the small image in the left up corner of the screen. Play this cool farm game and have a lot of fun and joy!

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Alpine Cow Jigsaw
Alpine Cow Jigsaw
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