2 Long 2 Park gra:

1 gracz, Flash, Przeszkody, Parkowanie, Ciężarówki | (3.19 MB) data dodania 06 Nov 2013
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Maybe you consider to be a good driver, there is only one way to find out, test your driving skills by playing 2Long 2Park and see if you can drive something a little bigger than what you are used to. This parking games really stands out because of the realistic driving style, playing 2Long 2Park you will have the chance to drive a truck and see how it feels, parking is hard even with a small car this is were things get really interesting. When it comes to go backwards with the truck keep in mind that the controls are reversed do to the trailer, after you get the hang of it you will see that is not that difficult. The tricky part comes when you have to drive the fork lifter this is a little strange do to the fact that it has the steering wheels at the back. Prove you got what its take to be a skilled driver our new parking game.

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